+36 30 99 00 336

Budapest 1122, Krisztina körút 7.




Mirror all elements of the actual situation

3D modelling

So it really cheats the user ti believe its real


Making Unity and the Emotiv SDK working together

Data collection

To describe movement, speech and other performance indicators

Data visualisation

To make evaulation and comparison faster


So the team can operate it easily

VR Speech Simulator

Public Speaking VR training

A VR training simulator with a real useful result

Mathias Corvinus College ordered us to develop a Public Speaking VR training simulator which uses an Emotive brain wave sensor. We fall in love with the project so we’ve added several other functions meaning the end product become a really innovative solution featuring not so regular VR functions.

Before the trainee puts the HTC Vive Pro Eye device they can upload their own presentation so they are practicing with their own material. Then the stage has to be set – still on the lap top – so it mirrors the environment which will wait for the speaker in the real life: choose the type of microphone, the placement of the pulpit, whether a control monitor will be used or not and also whether the room will be lit or not. Once its done, the user can put on the VR device, and step on the stage.

Here, on the virtual hall, the trainee can rehearse as much as they want – talking, moving, gesturing throughout their performance. Once they take off the Vr device, the training finishes. Regular VR training apps stopes here – but not our one.

During the session several data was logged and collected by our software – movement on the stage, intensity of hand movement, eye focus. Also, because we’ve used the Emotive EEG device paralelly with the VR device, 14+2 channels of brainwaves are recorded. But our solution does not stops here.

All collected data presented in a timeline design meaning the analyst can see what was happening at any given point during the speech with any of the data: what was on the virtual screen, how the speaker was moving, where they were standing, were they speaking or not, how was their hand movement, etc. Basically the whole experience can be re-played second by second seeing and evaluating the data.

In this case we’ve used our VR data log and dashboard solution for a Public Speaking training – but for sure it can be used with any Virtual Solution making sure that the trainee’s performance is evaluated and objective feedback can be given.




Autumn 2021


Virtual Reality, Emotiv


Unity, Vive