+36 30 99 00 336

Budapest 1122, Krisztina körút 7.




Creation of all cars of the brand and their variations


A consistent appearance matched to the brand, taking into account the characteristics of the individual devices


Managing and displaying all the variations optimized device-specific


On-site and remote testing with all possible pitfalls

Car showroom

Lincoln virtual car showroom

Our multi-device tools can help boost sales for the luxury car brand Lincoln. As all the models and their colors, variants and extra accessories and digitally recreated, we are able to place them in a virtual environment creating a special showroom that can be viewed from various devices. In this case two special showrooms were created, a luxury villa garden and an enclosed branded room to demonstrate car in a darker environment as well. These environments could be changed flexibly in the future to put every car in it’s matching environments – only the imagination is the limit. Potential customers could configure their dream Lincoln car through different channels: 

Touchscreen: It helped customers to get an overview of the assortment, and to customize their car in the way that was physically impossible in the real showroom. As every color and variants were present, they could compare their cars immediately, even if a certain extra was not available on the spot. The touchscreen was used at shopping malls as well to attract people’s attention without the need of a large space and all the cars could be demonstrated. The main advantage of the touchscreen that it is easy to use, and can work even automatic, without the need of a host. 

iPad: the iPad was mainly used in situations where the space is even more limited. Perfect solution for demonstration on exhibition or social gatherings or one-to-one sales situation with the customers. More to that, the iPad features an AR view where customers could place the car in real environment, for example in front of their garage, or on the road. They could walk around the car, get inside and feel the real dimensions of the car in the real environment – the second best thing of owning a real Lincoln. 

VR headset: HTC Vive Pro were used to ensure fluent immersive experience. Customers could not only customize the car but inspect it from every possible angles to get a realistic and detailed 3D view of the exterior and the interior of the chosen car. The VR experience even have an assisted version where a salesperson was controlling the content, customer only had to enjoy the demonstration. 

All the channels worked similarly with very few compromises on the quality to ensure fluent experience indifferent of the channels viewed. However each channel has their unique advantage and barriers. Therefore we suggest to try out various solutions for the best results.


AlGhanim Cars Kuwait


October 2021


Unity, AR, VR, 3D modelling


Touch screen, iPad app, VR app, Website