Presenting the newly released F serie on touchscreen and on the web
Modelling the virtual showroom and the machines
Desinging the visual framework, menu and simulate the remote contoller
Programming the automated and the synchronised functions
Our touchscreen (and web-accessible) demo application, developed for Control-X Medical, aims to provide a detailed presentation of the company’s new F-series product.
Users can interactively learn about the complex components and functions of the X-ray machine through impressive 3D animations, and they can get get to know the synchronized movements offered by the entire system.
In addition to predefined automatic animations that demonstrate the three main functions, users can freely move the main components of the system and simulate synchronized movements between elements using the remote control buttons displayed on the right side of the screen.
Each movement can be viewed from multiple perspectives by rotating the 3D scene with a swipe gesture on the touchscreen.
Pressing the info button displays the main information about the individual elements.
Control-X Medical
April 2023
Unity, 3D
Windows, Touchscreen