The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Kay)
+36 30 99 00 336
Budapest 1122, Krisztina körút 7.
HUMDA Green - Exhibition on a space station
Making VR content for a green life roadshow
Creating virtual space based only on fantasy
Development of interactions and logic
Virtual exhibition
HUMDA Green - Exhibition on a space station
The roadshow application developed for the Hungarian Mobility Development Agency Zrt. (HUMDA), customers could visit the future and learn how to be more environmentally conscious.
The ten-week roadshow, which took place in big cities countrywise and in the capital as well, showcased future-proof technologies that are already available today. To make the VR experience even more interesting, we placed the virtual location on a space station around the earth. Walking freely among the modules of the space station, user could discover the 3D models in the different rooms and the video content related to the thematic rooms. Users navigated the virtual space from jump point to jump point with the controller.
Although the time was very short, we were fortunately able to make it possible for those interested to watch informative content in an interesting location, instead of going to a static museum.