+36 30 99 00 336

Budapest 1122, Krisztina körút 7.




Creating all the models of the game and their animation


Integration and programming of Chat GPT API of Open AI


Interactions and logic

Sustainability VR+AI

Sustainable Chices Room with AI assistant

Within the framework of the European Union’s LIFE project, we created a VR application in which users can experience the consequences of their sustainability-related decisions in a playful way. After starting the game, the user finds himself in an imaginary control center (Room of Sustainability Choices). In the middle of the square, a huge planet Earth rotates, and on the walls of the room animated infographics show various data about our world. (Eg: world population growth, change in average temperature).

The user receives four different questions and tasks to be decided. There is always an unsustainable, harmful choice (e.g. gasoline car) and an environmentally conscious, sustainable alternative (e.g. electric car). The user can also view the consequences of their decisions on the large central Earth planet.

A virtual assistant will also appear in the space, to whom you can ask anything. The assistant is actually an integration of the OpenAI-based ChatGPT application, which has been trained with its own prompt database so that it knows exactly where it is, what surrounds it in the VR space, what data is on the infographics and what the user can do here. The virtual assistant primarily uses this database when he receives a question related to the location and the game.

The questions asked by the user are written down and displayed by integrating Speech-To-Text technology, then the answers generated by ChatGPT are spoken with the 3D model using Text-To-Speach technology.

The version of the application without an AI assistant is used at various events across the country.


Learn Virtual Europe


April 2023


Virtual Reality + Artificial Intelligence


Oculus Quest 2