+36 30 99 00 336

Budapest 1122, Krisztina körút 7.




Creating the digital persona for the given position


Creating the most lifelike behavior of the characters


Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text solutions, lipsync integration

3D AI colleagues

ChatGPT based virtual employees

We’ve developed 3D virtual employees for four distinct positions (hostess, receptionist, salesperson, and product expert), who appear on screens, such as vertically oriented displays or tablets, equipped with the necessary product knowledge to serve customers.

Thanks to their programming, these virtual workers maintain their roles effortlessly and always speak positively about their products or brands. Leveraging ChatGPT, they engage with customers in entertaining and intriguing conversations, asking follow-up questions and commenting with kindness, attention, and expertise around the clock.

Our virtual colleagues are indeed available for hire, so we’re open to job offers in their names – and we’re eager to create and train new virtual AI-based colleagues for other roles as well.

Detailed, longer interviews and example conversations with the individual virtual colleagues can be listened to and watched here:

1. He is CHRIS the office building receptionist, who knows everything about the building – which companies are tenants, where the elevator is, where to get a coffee, what the QR code received upon invitation can be used for, etc. (VIDEO)

2. She is JUDY, a hostess working in a tasting promotion, who offers the latest product variant with unchanging enthusiasm, knows everything about it and its manufacturing, and is sufficiently chatty for the sake of success. (VIDEO)

3. He is MOHA/TOM, the car salesman, who can’t be flustered with questions about the models, knows the names of the most unique color variations and even the inventory by heart, and will never speak ill of his own brand. (VIDEO 1), (VIDEO 2)

4. Finally, he is PETER, a visitor center/exhibition expert, from whom one can ask even the smallest details about an airplane and he will know the answer – and, being sufficiently human, he will also happily talk about his own hometown. (VIDEO)




February 2024


ChatGPT, Unity

